
Showing posts from June, 2005

Biztalk: Delete ReceiveLocation using WMI and VBScript

The default samples that are shipped with the Biztalk SDK do not contain code to delete a ReceiveLocation. Here is something I've written that will delete a ReceiveLocation, specified on the command line. Please note that: this is a very-very basic script (e.g. no checks on primary ReceiveLocation) I know nothing about VBScript, so if you want parts of it nominated as a WTF , go ahead, make my day ;) Option Explicit   RemoveRecLoc Sub RemoveRecLoc()     Dim objArgs: Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments       'error handling is done by explicity checking the err object rather than using     'the VB ON ERROR construct, so set to resume next on error.     'on error resume next       Dim strReceiveLocation        strReceiveLocation = objArgs(0)       Dim InstSet, Inst     set InstSet = GetObject ("winmgmts:\root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer")...

Mime Decoder Pipeline Component in Biztalk 2004 (the solution)

I promised to publish a solution to read the .eml files. This solution works for both Biztalk 2004 and Biztalk 2004 SP1 installations. Step 1: Create a custom decoder component You can download a wizard that will create any pipeline component here . Use this to create your decoder component. Make sure you have the following design time properties defined: FromRegex : this will contain the regular expression to find the sender FromMatch : this will contain the index of the Group and Capture ToRegex : this will contain the regular expression to find the receiver ToMatch : this will contain the index of the Group and Capture SubjectRegex : this will contain the regular expression to find the subject SubjectMatch : this will contain the index of the Group and Capture PropertyNamespace : this will contain the namespace of the properties we're promoting (don't forget to create your property schema with MessageContextPropertyBase properties) If you're not familiar with regula...

The Daemon, the GNU and the Penguin (12)

Read all about it here . Very interesting series. I've read to chapter 4 the other night ...

Mime Decoder Pipeline Component in Biztalk 2004

This is so funny. I've been struggling for a while to be able to read .eml files through Biztalk. Seems the the MIME decoder that ships with Biztalk 2004 tries to find "MIME-VERSION" in the first 1024 bytes of the .eml -file. The problem is that, in my file, the MIME-VERSION -string was near byte 1324 (or so). So the decoder tells me the file is not valid. Seems this problem is resolved in SP1. In a next post, I'll post some code ...

Biztalk: RIP

Biztalk died on me today after choking on an 18 MB IDOC (= flat file message from SAP) message. A catastrophic failure occurred in the BizTalk service. The service will shutdown and auto-restart in 1 minute. If the database is still unavailable, this cycle will be repeated. Error message: Parameter is incorrect Error source: System BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication Windows service name: BTSSvc{940AAE5E-0C6F-401E-83B2-D00BFF7792BB} I already ran the Config Framework wizard, but untill now, no joy :(   Update! I found why I was getting the above error. It seems one of the IDOCS I was using for testing lost some trailing spaces in one of its segments. This resulted in the above error ...