
Showing posts from September, 2005

Visual Studio .NET 2003: resx files ...

I have a project containing custom pipeline components. Each component has its own .resx -file. For some reason the .resx -file for ComponentA was included in the project as a seperate file and the .resx -file for ComponentB was only visible if you clicked the [+] -sign left of my component. I had no idea why there was a difference between the visualization for both .resx -files. When I edited the .csproj -file, I saw why it happened: <File RelPath = "ComponentB.resx" DependentUpon = "ComponentB.cs" BuildAction = "EmbeddedResource" /> If you remove the DependentUpon property, the file becomes visable in your project. Dunno how to do it without editing the project file though ...

Biztalk 2006 on Linux ... yes, it's possible (2)

So I finally installed the second Biztalk 2006 beta on my Ubuntu Linux box. My machine is a Pavilion with 1GB of RAM. I thought running VMWare and Windows 2003 Server would really slow the machine down ... but it didn't. In the above screenshot you can see my first flow (ProcessOrder) I've developed in Biztalk 2006. Let's start doing some more advanced things ;)

Biztalk 2006 on Linux ... yes, it's possible (1)

I'm currently running Ubuntu Hoary on a custom 2.6.13 kernel. I will be using this to run Windows 2003 Server and Biztalk 2006. To be able to run Windows on Linux (Ubuntu), you'll need VMWare . Apparently the most recent version (5) is having problems on kernels later than 2.6.11. The VMWare network modules causes the network to lock up from time to time. You can read all about it and how to solve it here . Right now, I've managed to install 2003 Server, SQL Server 2000, Analysis services and Visual Studio 2005 beta. Later this week, I'll be installing the second Biztalk 2006 beta. Very exciting stuff ...

Excel ... aaaargh ...

I am working for a client that is using a lot of automated B2B scenarios. These include, next to normal EDI (Edifact and X12), ordering by mail. My client’s client sends orders as mail attachments. This has been working for quite some time, until recently, I got a phone call. Apparently, something was wrong in _my_ code because the requested delivery date was wrong by a day. The requested delivery date is, well, quite special. It is an integer indicating the number of days that passed since 01/01/1900. “Why?” you might ask. No idea. But hey, no problem, I can count. So this is the code that was parsing the “number of days passed since 01/01/1900” to a real date:             DateTime baseDate = DateTime.ParseExact("01011900", "ddMMyyyy", null );             int days = int .Parse(numDays);             return baseDate.AddDays(days - 1).ToString("yyyyMMdd"...

Linux: Swap, file systems and such ...

Just found this interesting read on KernelTrap , posted by Mr Z . Allow me to elaborate. UNIX filesystems have a concept of "inodes" that store the body of the file, its permissions and its ownership. The inodes get linked into directories via names--aka. directory entries. The same inode can be linked into the filesystem in multiple places. (Hence the concept of a "hard link.") The filesystem keeps track of how many links an inode has, and the kernel keeps track of how many processes have opened a given inode. This concept is important, and I will come back to it. When an executable runs, the executable's file as well as the files for all the libraries it depends on get opened. The pages for these files get mmap()'d into the process' address space as file-backed virtual memory. The memory gets marked copy-on-write, so that any changes to the mmap()'d code result in a fault, and break the file backing. In any case, the file-backed portions are backed...

Biztalk: Explorer

Just found this nifty tool to manage and configure your Biztalk server running in production. It's called Biztalk Explorer and allows you to configure/manage a Biztalk 2004 without having Visual Studio installed. So this tool is ideal for administrators configuring production/QAS environments. I know you should use binding files, but if you want to change something quickly, this is the tool you need.

Firefox: Figures on MSDN not showing ...

When browsing some articles on Biztalk on the MSDN sites, figures were not showing (e.g.: ) in Firefox. I was wondering why the figures were showing in Internet Exploder and not in Firefox. Seems that Firefox is having problems with the back slashes. Well ... problems ... shouldn't be back slashes in the first place (damn Micro$ofties), right? The solution is to install Slashy . Look mom, I can now read MSDN articles too ;)