
Showing posts from January, 2007

Sun ships Solaris 10 DVDs ... for free!

For those of you interested in exploring the goodies of Sun OS, Sun is shipping DVDs for free . I came across this link _after_ downloading the whole CD set. Bummer :( I needed the CDs anyway because my Enterprise 450 does not have a DVD reader. Below are some images from Sun's site ... in case you're interested how this machine looks like.

Willy's en Marjetten moet blijven

Voor de Belgen onder ons die het jammer vinden dat Willy's en Marjetten vroegtijdig werd afgevoerd wegens te weinig kijkcijfers. Teken hier en dan bent u okidokipianissimoki ;)

Fix Your Own Printer

I own 2 laserjet printers. One old LJ 1100 and another very old LJ 5L. The first one was priced over 400€ when I bought it 7 years ago. The 5L was "donated" since it was suffering the famous paper jam problem. After 7 years of usage, the 1100 was suffering the paper jam problem as well. You can find a lot of people on different forums describing the same problem. It seems that there was a time that HP was replacing the separation pad and pickup roller (which are the components causing this problem) of the LJ 1100 for free. Those times are gone :( So I surfed to and ordered: 1 HP LaserJet 5L/6L Multiple-Sheet/No Feed Paper Jam Repair Kit 1 HP LaserJet 1100 Multiple Sheet Feed Paper Jam Repair Kit The 2 kits arrived the other day and I was very keen fixing both printers (even though I only need one). The kit for the 5L comes with a new separation pad (whole assembly) and a new pickup roller. It also includes a video (on CD) showing how t...

Move to new version of Blogger

So I decided to upgrade my blog to the latest version of Blogger. As you can see, the template changed. Nothing fancy though ;) Hope you like it (should there be anyone out ther reading this blog).