
Showing posts from May, 2008

Linux: Some issues I had with Kubuntu 8.04

Whilst reinstalling my desktop and all the applications I wanted, these were the problems/issues I encountered. VMware does not work I use VMware to test drive upcoming Ubuntu releases and for running Windows XP. I still need XP for my GPS software on my PDA. I tried to install VMware 1.x and it failed when compiling the netwokr modules. This link solved my problems and I managed to compile the modules. When trying to run VMware, another problem appeared: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ version `GCC_3.4' not found (required by /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ version `GCC_3.4' not found (required by /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/ no version information ...

Linux: Impressions of Kubuntu 8.04 KDE 4 Remix

Almost 3 years ago, I decided do ditch my old PII Celeron and buy a new HP Pavilion Pentium 4. The Pavilion had Windows XP preloaded and it lasted about a week. Since that week, it has been running Ubuntu and I never re-installed it. I have been dist-upgrading the machine from Breezy (ah, those were the days) to Dapper. Since I like having a stable machine, instead of feature rich, "running latest versions of everything" machine, I've been using Dapper until yesterday. Since the early days of Linux having a "desktop environment", I have always been a big fan of Gnome. It looked right and has always served my needs. As a java developer, I use Gnome as the preferred desktop environment at work too. Using Gnome, or any desktop environment, hours and hours in a row, enables you to discover the less pleasant parts of it. So, after a year of developing on a Gnome desktop, I have come to dislike it. A few months ago, youtube was flooded with short demos on the new, upc...