
Showing posts from 2011

openSuSE 12.1

I've been using Ubuntu for quite some time now. Ever since the issues I've encountered while upgrading from Hoary, to Breezy, to Dapper, I decided to stick with LTS (or Long Term Support) releases. I don't care about using bleeding edge technology, I just want a PC that works. Being a first hour kubuntu with KDE4 user, I was a little bit displeased with the latest LTS release, so the past years I've been looking at different other distributions to see which one supports KDE best. Distributions with rolling releases earned extra points :) In 1998 SuSE 6.0 was released and I remember buying a big box containing 6 CDs in a local bookstore. I liked SuSE a lot. It was easy to install and maintain. The only downside was the RPM dependency hell you can end up with once you tried to install packages that were not available on the CDs. YAST already existed back then and was already doing a great job configuring the system (ncurses based, of course). Since openSuSE is very KDE...

Fosdem 2012 ...

... the dates are set. February 4 & 5, 2012 ... yeah!

NK Concept Car, all pieces arrived ... finally

Today the final package containing 14 missing red lift arms arrived. I had to place 5 orders in 5 different stores, for a total of EUR 380 to get all the necessary parts for this car. Most parts (and the largest order) where found in Juergen's store. I am still missing the wheel covers . These have become very rare and very expensive. Since I think these are ugly, I might not order these anyway. Pictures coming soon!

NK Concept Car

Alright, I'll admit it I am an Adult Fan of Lego (or AFOL). Maybe this doesn't make me a real adult, but you'd be surprised to see how many people my age are still buying sets or creating MOCs (My Own Creations). My love for Lego started many years ago with a Universal Building Set . After that, many sets followed, ranging from space ships , airports to famous Technic sets. I have always been fond of the larger, more complicated Technic sets. I also remember being very fond of the Technic chassis series ( 853 , 8860 ) which later became real cars. Unfortunately I don't own any of the chassis sets, but I do own the 8880 and the 8448 . Recently I stumbled upon an interesting blog entry talking about a concept car for sale on eBay, designed by Nathanaël Kuipers . The car looks a lot like the car from the old 8448 set, but is using a more modular design. It is also completely studless whereas the 8448 still had some older Technic bricks. The car was eventually sold...


As a consultant, it is important to be able to track your time spent on different tasks and projects. This is necessary to be able to report everything accurately in your time sheet or invoices you send to your clients. Tracking time can be a tedious process, however, and there are different tools available to help you with this. A long time ago, I found a tool called Timelog. I can't provide a link to this software, because it seems dead at the time of this writing. You should be able to find it again if you google for Timelog and kclee. Anyway, the tool did a terrific job and was written in Java. The only problem I had, was its inability to cope with different clients and projects. You were just able to track time spent on tasks, regardless of clients and projects. So my solution was to keep different files for different clients. This worked just fine, but consolidating all the different files into one time sheet was error prone and not so easy once I started to work for a lot of...

Telenet lanceert Fibernet 40 en 60

Ik heb momenteel een Diamond Shake + abonnement bij Telenet. Deze formule bestaat al een tijdje niet meer. Deze maand heeft Telenet echter voor een vervanging gezorgd. Fibernet 40, vergelijkbaar met Diamond Shake +, maar iets goedkoper en Fibernet 60, vergelijkbaar met Turbonet. Fibernet 40 zou echter sneller moeten zijn dan ExpressNet XL, die vervat zat in de Diamond Shake +. Dat zullen we dan wel zien. Volgende week ga ik hiervoor een nieuwe modem halen, die trouwens vlot over de toonbank gaan. Het Telenet Center in mijn buurt was zijn volledige stock van 100 modems kwijt na één dag. Een collega van mij heeft de stap reeds gezet en ging gisteren een nieuwe modem halen. Tot zijn grote verbazing werkte er niets meer. Geen Internet toegang, geen telefoon en dus ook geen digitale TV. Telenet was echter zo vriendelijk een technieker te sturen en er bleek een probleem te zijn met de versterker. Telenet plaatst immers bij elke abonnee een versterker tussen de kabel die binnenkomt, de modem...