
Showing posts from May, 2021

Arduino Uno with ethernet hat

The other day, while cleaning out the garage, I found my old Arduino Uno. A few years ago, I received this as a new year's present by my employer at that time. Back then, I thought I was going to do something usefull with it. But apparently I didn't, since it was gathering dust on a shelf in the garage. I also did not recall the fact there was an ethernet hat available in the package. So it has an ethernet hat, what can we do with it? Well, we can connect it to a network, let it serve pages, let it perform REST calls, ... After doing all of the samples available in the Arduino IDE , I wanted to use this setup for something useful. The project This will be something very simple. I would like to use the Arduino to report the status of my garage door. Now that is something useful. Should someone open the door, I would like to receive an e-mail stating the current status of the door, OPEN in this case. Should the door be closed again, another e-mail should be sent, indicat...